Symphony of the Cells™ (SOC) was created by Boyd Truman as a method of helping people understand that the body needs to be balanced in harmony physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Each SOC protocol is based on an understanding of the natural progression of illness, the systems of the body and how they relate, and an understanding of the power of essential oils. SOC takes a holistic approach to wellness, and recognizes the importance of taking proper care of our bodies. It encompasses a variety of tailored essential oil applications that target different body systems and related conditions. The SOC applications were designed to empower others to grow their confidence in applying essential oils and allow the user to experience and share the power of essential oils. The protocols are designed based on the different organ systems and the emotion connection of the body. The protocols are: Basic one and two, Cardiovascular Cellular, C2, Chi, Digestive, Emobic, Forgiveness, Hormone Balance, Infectious Disease, Inflammatory, Lymphatic, Maxim, Neurological, Osteo, Purpose, Respiratory, Sensory, and Solar. Learn more about Symphony of the Cells.
In each SOC session, Dr. Whitney will discuss the different protocols in relationship to your goals and together you will choose the best option for your body. The appointment takes about 30-45 minutes and can be scheduled by calling the office.